Sodomistic Rituals Productions / Silver Key Records
From the hotbed of Panama comes Antumia to bring forth scapes of rural sounding Black/Grind/Noise. Formed by clientele who was or is active in various old Noise & Metal acts from Panama such as Abatuar, Enslaver, Christ Snacks, Jefe de la Morgue & others. I had the opportunity to execute drums. Expect harsh sounds to please filthy minds & urges.
On the other side the offering brought forth is called Cultus Asal. An old project, recorded in 2013, to belong to the infamous Naestweth Havn Kult soiled in Denmark. It slumbered underneath a nest of worms. Those vocals sounds like beast of infernal pray, in company with some fertile Black/ Death Metal in an authentic Dansk sound. Eight short, impulsive outbursts to spat forth anger & audio brutality.